Donate Today!

Are you passionate about enriching the lives of your fellow Houstonians? Consider joining the movement to support Beguiled Theatre Company’s inaugural year! By donating to BTC, you can contribute to the creation of immersive storytelling from diverse perspectives through the magic of live theatre. Your generosity helps build and strengthen relationships in our community and make it possible for BTC to bring extraordinary theater experiences to our audiences, both locally and globally through streaming. With your partnership, we are able to fund the creative and administrative costs of creating live theatre. Donate to BTC today!

Beguiled Theatre Company operates as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, committed to advancing the performing arts and contributing to the community through various initiatives.


Become a season sponsor today!


Become a platinum sponsor today!


Become a gold sponsor today!


Become a silver sponsor today!


Become a bonze sponsor today!


Shannon Baker
Cara DeDominicis
Brian B. Galbreath
Danielle Gelehrter
Eric Landry
Andrew Meyer
Roger E. Palomino
Ally Rongcal
Andrea Talmon
Faith Taylor

Become a Corporate Sponsor

To have a synergy and a cross-collaborative relationship, we will ensure that your needs are met in alignment with our mission.  The value of becoming one of our sponsors include brand visibility, community involvement, engagement opportunities & lead generation.  With these values, we would engage in an exchange of potential clients to your organization through word of mouth engagement. 

To become a Corporate Sponsor, you can make a monetary donation for our different tiers above. Connect with us below and we will be happy to send you more information!

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